Here's Steve Gibson of Killen, Alabama. For some reason, there seems to be a reserve of music lovers in the North Alabama/Tennessee border, many of which are active members here on Maybe it's the proximity to Muscle Shoals. Maybe 'Bama raises the best ears. Or maybe its the cheese grits.
Steve, or sgibson389 as he's known on, made a couple resolutions for this New Year: to single task more year and to just "listen" to music. You and me both brother. Luckily, he just won an AudioQuest Dragonfly and Sydney interconnect sweepstakes, a simple tool for lots of enjoyable listening.
Steve is a lifetime music lover and a Stereophile reader since the 80s, but for various reasons can't escape the budget audiophile classification. The DragonFly sounds like a perfect fit. After years with vinyl, reel-to-reel, cassettes and CDs, the Dragonfly converter will introduce the computer to Gibson's system.
Steve has a dog that rips opens packages left at the door, so I had to mail it to his father. Looks like he received the prize intact.
Thanks a billion for your faithful reading over the years, participation in this contest, and sharing your experiences Steve. Though I don't know your NCAA affiliation, I still have to throw this in: Roll Tide.
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