"Do you hear that difference?" asked Shunyata's Grant Samuelson. Indeed I did. Grant was playing a track from singer-songwriter Ray LaMontagne on Focal speakers and had replaced the Marantz amplifier's and disc player's stock AC cords with Shunyata cords; the voice and instruments became slightly better differentiated from one another. Then,instead of plugging the AC cords straight into the wall, he plugged them into a Shunyata Hydra distribution box. There was a further improvement in the same direction. Finally Grant removed the German-made Stillpoints wideband acoustic absorbers from the room's sidewalls. He didn't need to play any music, the sound of his speaking voice acquiring a distinct "honk."
This was an effective demonstration of the benefits of Shunyata's and Stillpoints' components. Shunyata's Caelin Gabriel had designed systems to reduce self-noise dealing with very–low-level signals in the military and his Shunyata cables and AC distribution boxes are based on that research. Grant then passed around the duplex outlets used by Shunyata. Made by Hubble for Shunyata, these offered a much greater contact area and significantly lower measured series resistance.
Source : stereophile[dot]com
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